The Revenge of Conscience, part 3

Episode 422: Following Budzisewski inĀ The Revenge of Conscience, I continue to give examples and explain the function of guilt, guilty feelings, and guilty knowledge at an individual level at at a societal level, even impacting the zeitgeist. These include gender, sexuality, marriage, and more.

Purchase your own copy of The Revenge of Conscience here

The Revenge of Conscience, part 2

Episode 421: I walk through Romans 1.18ff in order to demonstrate the offended conscience and how fallen humans in rebellion do not get better but double down on their sin. Following Budzisewski in The Revenge of Conscience, I continue to give examples and explain the function of guilt, guilty feelings, and guilty knowledge at an individual level at at a societal level, even impacting the zeitgeist.

The Revenge of Conscience, part 1

Episode 420: God has built into every human a mechanism whereby behavior is deemed moral or immoral. Such moral judgment, first, is rooted in natural law, i.e., what we cannot not know since it is, at some level, known by everyone, and second, functions as a moral common sense at both a societal level as well as a personal level. Following J. Budzisewski in his book The Revenge of Conscience, I breakdown what guilt, guilty feelings, and guilty knowledge looks like and begin to give examples.

Against Universalism, part 3

Episode 419: The epic conclusion of my takedown of Universalism wherein I demonstrate that Universalism is really a philosophy in search of a biblical text. Its reading of Scripture is informed not only with a faulty hermeneutic (Scripture read through the lens of philosophy), but it’s very view of Scripture is itself erroneous. Finally, what we should really hope for with eternal destinies.