Alistair Begg’s Trans-Wedding Advice

Episode 461: Alistair Begg has come under fire in recent days because of comments he made wherein he advised a grandmother to attend her grandchild’s wedding to a transgender person. Naturally, this rankled the feathers of not a few Christians (which is good). In this episode, I give my take on Begg’s comments and review some of his remarks in response to his critics.

Predictions for 2024

Episode 458: We are off and running for the new year. Steve Deace peers into the crystal ball for 2024 and makes 10 predictions. Some are funny; some not so funny. I read through them with a focus on two of them in particular: UFOs & idolatry. Tune in as I work through the list and offer up my take on these two critical topics.

Steve Deace’s Prediction’s for 2024

The Perspicuity of Scripture & Meme Theology

Episode 448: I’ve seen a certain meme floating around social media and felt compelled to respond to it. Actually, Francis Turretin responded to it centuries ago. We dive into Turretin’s Institutes of Elenctic Theology (2.17) to evaluate the meme, bolster our understanding of the clarity and plainness of Scripture, and rightly think about the parts of Scripture which may be “obscure.” Then, just a brief word about translation and interpretation of difficult phrases.

My article on the meme (with the meme included)

Deconstruction with Brian Zahnd & Joe Smith

Episode 445: Deconstruction aims to question fundamental assumptions about truth (and other things). A couple examples popped up this week of deconstruction. First, Brian Zahnd took to Twitter/X to have an imaginary conversation about sin which I breakdown. Then, worked through a TikTok clip from a pastor of a church in Florida, Joe Smith, and exposed his assault on the inerrancy of Scripture. Finally, a call to repentance in overtime.

Irreversible Damage Report

Episode 443: Abigail Shrier wrote the book Irreversible Damage in 2020. In it she documents her research into the transgender/gender dysphoria phenomenon. In this episode of the podcast, I explore aspects of Shrier’s book as it pertains the present cultural moment, including perhaps the most disturbing point in the book tucked away in footnotes (p.246): the correlation between gender dysphoria and autism. Plus, a quick connection to Romans 1.24, 26, 28.

It’s Aliens, Man! (part 2)

Episode 442: I conclude my excursion into the weird by demonstrating the error of those who appeal to the book of Ezekiel for proof from Scripture for aliens, then tackle the C. S. Lewis article I mentioned in the previous episode, and ended with a run through of the various similarities between the accounts of alien abductions and ritual abuse survivors. If there isn’t a connection it is a tremendous coincidence.

C. S. Lewis on E. T. & the Christian faith

It’s Aliens, Man! (part 1)

Episode 441: Recently there has been an avalanche of information related to extraterrestrials and UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena) both in the news and on popular television shows. Why the inundation with information about alien tech and sightings of otherworldly craft? Tune in as I work through what is going on & how to think about it from a Christian perspective.

Richard Dawkins, Greta Thunberg, & the Nature of Facts

Episode 432: An episode about unbelievers who say the quiet part out loud. Richard Dawkins affirms only two sexes – male and female. Greta Thunberg is awarded an honorary doctorate in theology from the University of Helsinki. These two events help us think through the nature of facts. What are facts? We explore the common ground everyone (except for the extreme fringe) would agree upon before pulling the carpet out from under the unbeliever to demonstrate their feet are firmly planted in mid-air when they claim to know facts.

Climate Change – Episode 279

Global Warming – Episode 127

Andy Stanley’s Continued Apostasy through Deconstruction

Episode 430: Andy Stanley has been the focus of controversy for several years due to his evolving views of Scripture. Recently, a clip from one of his sermons landed on Twitter and has sparked off a new wave of controversy. On this episode I play the clip and respond to it from the Scriptures (much to Stanley’s chagrin) in order to demonstrate the erroneous position he has assumed. Follow along in Acts 2, 17, & 1 Corinthians 15.