“It’s a Miracle!” – The Second Miraculous Catch

Episode 399: It is similar but different. John 21 is another instance where Jesus helps His disciples catch a mess of fish. What is the significance of another miraculous catch of fish? Tune in as I walk through John 21 backwards to see how important this miracle & the events surrounding it are.

Today in Church History: St. Nicholas died (343) & Thomas Aquinas has a vision (1273)

Question of the Day: My children were raised in church, but have turned away from their faith and deny Christ. What can I do? What shouldn’t I do?

“It’s a Miracle!” – The Resurrection

Episode 398: It is the miracle upon which Christianity stands or falls – the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So many try to deny it, even some who claim to be Christians. Nevertheless, the Bible says the tomb was open, empty, & His grave clothes lying there without His body. Tune in as I take look at the most important miracle of Jesus.

Today in Church History: Spurgeon almost quit (1856)

Question of the Day: If a person denounces Jesus, can they be saved?

“It’s a Miracle!” – Miracles at the Crucifixion

Episode 396: What is God’s reaction to the gospel? In a word: miraculous. Jesus’ death on the cross was accompanied by several miracles. Tune in as I examine each one, the significance of them, & what our reaction should be to Jesus’ death.

Today in Church History: Absalom Jones ordained the 1st black priest in the Episcopal Church

Question of the Day: Do you believe that after you die you sleep until Jesus comes?

“It’s a Miracle!” – Healing Malchus

Episode 394: I cannot imagine how incredibly painful it would be to have my ear cut off. But it happened to a man named Malchus when he came to arrest Jesus. And Jesus restored him to wholeness. What do we learn from this miracle? Tune in as I discuss this miracle & what it means for us.

Today in Church History: Alexander Campbell was born (1788)

Christianity Today Article about Campbell

Question of the Day: I have heard “spare the rod, spoil the child” means to spank children. I also heard it means to discipline them. Which is correct?

“It’s a Miracle!” – Jesus Curses a Fig Tree

Episode 392: It is a unique miracle, a one-of-a-kind miracle of destruction: Jesus withers a fig tree. What is it that Jesus is communicating through this particular miracle? And how does it square with His nature? Tune in as I explore why Jesus cursed a fig tree & what it means for us today.

Today in Church History: The question of the lapsed (256)

Question of the Day: I am living with a man. Both of our spouses are deceased. What does the Bible say about that situation?

“It’s a Miracle!” – Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

Episode 391: It is amazing what we take for granted. In Luke 17.11-19, I believe we come across men who took for granted that Jesus could heal them. That assumption led them to just go about their lives without thanking God. Except for one “foreigner.” What can we learn from the miracle where Jesus heals ten lepers? Tune in as I explore this miracle & what it means for us today.

Today in Church History: Helena, mother of Constantine, dies (328)

Question of the Day: How many blind people were healed in the gospels?

“It’s a Miracle!” – Jesus Heals a Man with Dropsy on the Sabbath

Episode 389: Jesus had several encounters with His opponents on the Sabbath. Luke 14.1-6 presents with yet another instance of this & the final instance of Sabbath conflict for Jesus with His adversaries. Tune in as I discuss a miracle only Luke records & what it means for us today.

Today in Church History: Erasmus goes home to be with Christ (1536)

Question of the Day: I consider both candidates in an election to be evil. How would you handle it?

The Worst of Both Worlds

“It’s a Miracle!” – Temple Tax in a Fish’s Mouth

Episode 388: Who enjoys paying taxes? More than once Jesus was asked about paying taxes. Once He paid the temple tax with money from a fish’s mouth! What does Jesus getting money from a fish’s mouth have to do with us today? Tune in as I explore a rather strange miracle which contains a key element of the mind of Christ.

Today in Church History: Jonathan Edwards preaches “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

Question of the Day: If you’ve never been baptized does that mean you won’t go to heaven?

“It’s a Miracle!” – Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

Episode 386: Jesus is the Light of the World & those who come to Him walk in the light. Those who reject Him walk in darkness. The miracle in John 9 is yet another key demonstration of Jesus showing He is exactly who He claimed to be. Will those who have rejected His testimony recognize the work? Tune in as I walk us through John 9 and see what it means for us today.

Today in Church History: Baptism of Abdool Musseeh (Sheikh Salih) (1811)

Question of the Day: Why does it take so long for God to answer prayers?

“It’s a Miracle!” – Jesus Heals a Blind Man Twice

Episode 385: In Mark 8.22-26 Jesus heals a blind man twice – first, partially, then fully. What is going on here? Why does it take Jesus two touches to heal this man? Tune in as I walk through this text, look at the actual account, then discuss the significance of this miracle.

Today in Church History: John Wesley’s “heart strangely warmed” (1738)

Question of the Day: Why are so many young people leaving the church?