K. C. Moser & The Gist of Romans

Episode 456: K. C. Moser was a preacher in the churches of Christ in the twentieth century (1920s-70s). He wrote several articles, pamphlets, as well as a couple books. In this episode, I take a brief look at his book The Gist of Romans with an eye to his other book The Way of Salvation. What can we possibly learn from this “ultra-Calvinist” (as one brother labeled [or libeled] him) or “semi-Calvinist” (as another brother styled him)? Tune in as we explore brother Moser’s grace-oriented, cross-focused, Christ-exalting approach to Romans.

The Benedict Option

Episode 361: For a few years now philosophers and social commentators have been advocating the Benedict Option for Christians in response to the rise in secular influence and moral depravity in America. What is the Benedict Option? Tune in as I examine what this is, where it comes from, and if there is a better option for Christians in America today.

The Benedict Option – Dreher

The Benedict Option for Evangelicals

The End of the Moral Majority?

Today in Church History: The First Official Act of the Continental Congress (1774)

Question of the Day: Do I have to be baptized to go to heaven?

The Crusades, pt.3

Episode 308: Having reviewed the history of the Crusades, is it right to compare the Crusaders to present day ISIS terrorists as some do, the President included? Tune and let’s see what the (real) causes & consequences of the Crusades were.

Question of the Day: Should Christians be pro-war?

The Crusades, pt.2

Episode 307: Once more I take up the history lesson concerning the Crusades. Was it really “in the name of Christ” that the Crusaders did “horrible deeds”? Or is history much more complicated than how our President makes it out to be? Tune in as I unpack the history & consequences of the Crusades.

Today in Church History: (On or around today) Defeat and captivity of the King Louis IX of France, “St. Louis,” in a crusade (1250).

The Real Significance of the Crusades

The Crusades, pt.1

Episode 306: Recently, our fearless leader President Barak Obama gave a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast and made some remarks concerning the Crusades that has rankled the hair on the back of some Christians necks. “Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” But is that really the case? Is history really that simplistic? Tune in as I give a history lesson on the crusades and what really drove the Crusaders into battle.

Historians Weigh In


Gonzales, Justo. The Story of Christianity. Vol. 1. New York: Harper One, 1984. Print.

Shelley, Bruce L. Church History in Plain Language. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2008. Print.