Dr. Laura Sanger on Blurry Creatures

Episode 450: A friend recently turned me on to the podcast “Blurry Creatures,” a podcast which started to talk about bigfoot but that has expanded its explorations into other paranormal creatures and activities. On episode 147, Dr. Laura Sanger joined the show to discuss the Hitler Project. Whether the Hitler Project is legit or not I will leave to you; in this episode I takedown Dr. Laura Sanger’s reading of the Genesis account, specifically 6.9 and 10.8. I show that while she can use a lexicon, her exegesis of the text leave much to be desired and are suspect at best.

Richard Dawkins, Greta Thunberg, & the Nature of Facts

Episode 432: An episode about unbelievers who say the quiet part out loud. Richard Dawkins affirms only two sexes – male and female. Greta Thunberg is awarded an honorary doctorate in theology from the University of Helsinki. These two events help us think through the nature of facts. What are facts? We explore the common ground everyone (except for the extreme fringe) would agree upon before pulling the carpet out from under the unbeliever to demonstrate their feet are firmly planted in mid-air when they claim to know facts.

Climate Change – Episode 279

Global Warming – Episode 127

Scripture & Responding to Assertions of “How We Got the Bible”

Episode 416: Recently, an article was published concerning “How We Got the Bible.” Having done some research on the subject, I decided to respond to the claims being made in that article. I start out with a run through 2 Timothy 3.16 for orientation. Then, I tackle the articles assertions paragraph. As will become evident, many assertions are made with no basis in reality, history, or, most importantly, Scripture.

Since I reference it, here is the bibliographic information on Beckwith’s book:

Beckwith, Roger. The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1985.

Student Loan Debt “Forgiveness” & the Gospel

Episode 414: Student loan debt “forgiveness,” so-called, has become a point of contention among Christians. There are even those who want to say that Christians who do not endorse and support student loan debt “forgiveness” “haven’t a clue what following Jesus is about.” I take this view to task and offer an overall critique of student loan debt “forgiveness” as proposed and how it differs fundamentally from the gospel. Full transcript available here.

Race & Christianity

Episode 324: Baltimore is on literally on fire due to riots in the wake of Freddy Gray’s funeral. Freddy Gray was a black man who died under suspicious circumstances while in police custody a couple of weeks ago. With all the racial tension in cities like Baltimore & Ferguson, MO, what should Christians think? Tune in as I tackle the subject of race as it relates to Christianity.

Today in Church History: John Newton is ordained (1764)

Question of the Day: Was Adam brown-skinned?

Capital Punishment

Episode 311: A number of states still have the death penalty. However, some Christians do not believe that the death penalty should still practiced. It is too “barbaric” or “cruel and unusual punishment” and America is better than that. Is it ever morally permissible, though, to execute a criminal when the nature of the crime demands such punishment? Tune in as I explore this question from the Bible.

Apologetics Press Article

Abortion III

Episode 304: 42 years ago Roe V. Wade legalized abortion in the United States. Since then, some 57 million America babies have been systematically slaughtered by the abortion industry. Recently, I went to a pro-life rally and in today’s episode I share some of my experiences from that excursion.


Abortion, revisited

Today in (Church) History: Roe v. Wade legalized abortion (1973)

Question of the Day: Is having an abortion a sin?

Islam & Jesus

Episode 278: What people say about Jesus is important. Unfortunately, when it comes to Jesus, they not only do not agree with God about who Jesus is, the Koran does not get the basic historical facts right! Tune in as I explore what Muslims believe about Jesus based upon what is said about Him in the Koran.

Question of the Day: Why is Jesus so special?

The Suffering of God

Episode 268: When people suffer, typically it is not arguments or formulae they seek to explain their pain. When people suffer, they are angry, hurt, mad, upset, furious with God. “Why me?” The greatest issue with people and suffering is not intellectual but emotional. Tune in as we explore how God does not try to get Himself “off the hook” with suffering but actually puts Himself on the hook through Jesus.

What is the Meaning of Suffering?

Episode 267: This is the 5th question in the “Six Question to Ask a Skeptic” series of lesson. Everybody suffers at some point in their life. Whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, regardless of race or sex or religion – everyone suffers. So is there any meaning or significance to the suffering? Tune in as I explore this question and deal with the problem of evil.