Brueggemann & Beth Moore

Episode 415: Everybody’s favorite progressive theologian has written an article (see below) detailing how to read the Bible so that those practicing homosexual behavior are to be welcomed as faithful Christians. This reminded me of Beth Moore “conversion” a few years back (also see below). In this episode, I explore Brueggemann’s new hermeneutic and demonstrate how it is suspect at best. Also with comparisons to Beth Moore!

Walter Brueggemann & Bible Reading

Open Letter to Beth Moore

What Jesus Said & Demonic Origins

Episode 413: I take the recent statement, or lack thereof, of a California state congressman to task. His contention is that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality; I thoroughly refute his erroneous assertion. Then, we expose how the mask has come off and demonstrate from the comments of a confused young man that those who espouse woke ideology have bought into a demonic doctrine.

How to be Holy in an Unholy World

Episode 359: The archdiocese of Chicago is being sued by a homosexual man who was fired from his position as music director when he made known his engagement (and subsequent marriage) to his male partner. These are but the birthpangs of the consequences of the legalization of homosexual marriage in America as the dissenting justices warned. How shall we live when surrounded by such immorality? Tune in as we allow the Bible to explain how to be holy in an unholy world.

Chicago archdiocese sued over homosexual marriage

Today in Church History: Christians in the Arena in Carthage (202)

Question of the Day: Was Jesus Sinless?

County Clerks & Conscience

Episode 341: Poor Kim Davis. You have probably been following the story of the Kentucky county clerk who because of her religious convictions refuses to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. That decision landed her behind bars and only today was released. So how should we as Christians view what’s happening with Kim Davis? Tune in as I work through this current event.

Today in Church History: Massachusetts Puritans found Harvard College (1636)

Question of the Day: Is it sinful for Christians to go to/sign marriage licenses for/bake cakes for homosexual marriages?

Prepared Not Panicked

Episode 335: Since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage last week social media has exploded into an idea food fight. Some Christians have inserted themselves into this firestorm. But how should Christians respond to the new law? Does Scripture give us any guidance on this? Tune in as I take a look at a well known Bible account which has an astonishing parallel.

Today in Church History: Lutheran Martin Niemoller arrested for resisting Nazi racism

Question of the Day: Why hasn’t God destroyed America?

Legal But Immoral

Episode 334: Last Friday the Supreme Court of the United States legalized gay marriage in all 50 states. This is not the first time something immoral has been legal, but it is a seismic shift for America. Tune in as I explain how something can be legal but still immoral.

Just Getting Started – Churches Next Target in Gay Marriage War

Today in Church History: The Apostle Paul beheaded (67)

Question of the Day: Now what? What are Christians to do with this court decision?

SCOTUS & Gay Marriage

Episode 323: With court cases looming & a decision pending from the Supreme Court, it appears that soon same-sex marriage will be legal in the US. So what should Christians do? Tune in as I explore this question from a Biblical perspective.

What’s at Stake?

Justice Ginsberg Has Made Up Her Mind

Today in Church History: Minnesota observes a statewide day of prayer (1877)

Question of the Day: What would you say to a person struggling with homosexual behavior who wants to be a Christian?

Excusing Sin

Episode 313: Last night the final “yes” vote needed to gain a majority was cast and same-sex marriage was approved into the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA). They are but the latest denomination to do this and their move is instructive. What happens when people who claim to follow Christ approve of and even aid people in committing what God has categorically condemned throughout His Word? Tune in as I open the word and allow it to shed some light on this dark news.

Presbyterians Approve Same-Sex Marriage

Cultures Picks & Chooses What is Changeable

Today in Church History: The First Lateran Council opens in Rome (1123)

Pope Flip Flops

Episode 293: Recent news report seem to indicate that the Pope is waffling and even flip flopping on the issue of homosexuality. One month he’s dogmatic about it; the next month he seems about ready to sign a papal bull welcoming them into the church; the next month he’s saying kids need both a mommy & a daddy. Today I address this flip flopping and show why we should expect this from a mere man who claims to be the head of the church.

Today in Church History: Pope Boniface VIII publishes Unam Sanctum

Question of the Day: What’s wrong with the Catholic Church?


Episode 292: So last month Pope Francis convened a two week long meeting in the Vatican concerning “family life” among Catholics. Hot topic debates were had by a number of bishops while Pope Francis engage in active listening. Tune in as I report on the fallout from that meeting here in the States and what could be in the future for the Catholic Church as a result.

Today in Church History: Gregory the Wonder Worker Dies (270)

Question of the Day: What does the Bible say about homosexuality?